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Asphalt, Speed Bumps Folsom, Speed Humps, Folsom Speed Bumps

Asphalt Speed Bums, Speed Humps  Folsom, Etc.

Advanced Paving Speed Bump services offer asphalt speed bumps, speed humps, and sp eed berm Asphalt parking lots in Sacramento. We also over Speed Bump installation & repair services. We install asphalt s  p eed bumps throughout the Sacramento area.

While similar to speed bumps, humps are less aggressive than speed bumps at low speeds and are used on actual streets, as opposed to bumps which are primarily placed in parking lots. While speed bumps generally slow cars to 5 – 10 mph (8 – 15 km/h), humps slow cars to 10 – 20 mph (15 – 30 km/h). The narrow nature of speed bumps often allows vehicles to pass over them at high speed while only perturbing the wheels and suspension, hardly affecting the vehicle cab and its occupants. The relatively long slopes of speed humps gradually accelerate the entire vehicle in vertical direction, causing the perturbation of the cab to become progressively more severe at higher speeds.

If you need any type of asphalt Speed Bumps in the Sacramento Area give us a call: 1 (888) 631-7283.

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